

The year by numbers: Three top downloads!

Christmas 2016

This year ended with a bang. Finally everything came together in the new Waiting for a Miracle EP. Planned for last year, but hey? How can you plan new songs? Adding up the numbers for me also ended on a positive note. More than 2000 views on YouTube and more than 4500 listens on SoundCloud. Quite amazing since i do no promotion with fake viewers or listeners, something that is unfortunately very common. These are real people that took the time to listen to these songs. Amazing. Thank you. Diving into the numbers, the last month really shows a rise […]

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Filming a clip for Stone in the RMO Leiden

Evelien and Apollo

To my surprise we were actually very welcome to spend a morning filming the the RMO Leiden. The Rijksmuseum voor Oudheden or Dutch National Museum for Antiquities. Iris, in charge of the communication was very kind and managed to give us all freedom to make this clip. It was the first ever request for filming a music video clip, she told us, as the museum is more used to TV and documentary film crews with focus on the actual collection. For me and Evelien an honor to be able to be there before opening hours. To be allowed to remove […]

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Now really waiting for a miracle…

Waiting for a Miracle preview

The waiting is almost over. The Waiting for a Miracle EP is now being inspected by digital gnomes and real people. It is awaiting release in its digital form. These are the first songs of the album: Memories feat. Sam Stone feat. Evelien < You've Got Me feat. Hanny  

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A new site, new apps

New Site

To prepare for the a EP release Waiting for a Miracle, red is now the new theme color. And the site was looking a bit old fashioned. Now new and revamped, it was also time to update the apps. Just because we can there are apps for Android and Windows. Keeping you up to date on the latest news and songs has never been easier. B2FAB on Android B2FAB on Windows

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Memories, sweet memories

Memories feat. Sam

For this song, Memories, Sam graced the studio with a visit. It took some effort, because she really wanted to make this song her own. Looking back it went quite smoothly. Mainly because she really nailed it with the lyrics. I wrote the music for this song after a very warm and pleasant reunion with old class mates. From the start it had school ground noises in it.   Sam really knows how to work in the studio and i feel honored that she stopped by to make this song a very sweet memory.

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Stone with a twist

Stone Apollo

Last month Evelien hopped into the studio to give Stone a new twist. Stone is one of the older songs on SoundCloud and on Spotify or other streaming services. For the first album Into the Light i thought i should at least sing on one of the tracks, but looking back this it is missing a little sparkle. Evelien is only sparkle and great fun to have in the studio. Even though she is not a pro, she took on the song like a pro. Her voice has that little edge that captures you. So you want to hear it […]

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Some summer reminiscing

Me and my Roland Alpha Juno-2

Me playing keyboards has always been fully supported by my parents. They endured endless pling plong sessions on our home piano and they even helped by investing in my first real synthesizer, the Roland Alpha Juno-2. After i got that device it lasted no more than a few months before i joined a band and started playing on stage. I have very fond memories of my first gig on the Kingsday festivities (then still Queensday) in Delft. That full analog strings sound flowing out over the crowd! Really electrifying. I still have the Juno-2, but its not the same device. […]

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Where We Are Free now featuring Hanny

Hanny working

Listening to Where We Are Free, the idea came to make it a duet. Kind of logical because of the “We” in the song isn’t it? Hanny came to the studio to make it happen and now it is ready for you to take a listen. What do you think?

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The top 3 after 3 years

Favorite Music

This is the top 3 over the past 3 years. Available as a free download until the end of the year. Enjoy! 1. You’ve Got Me ft Hanny 2. Bottom Drawer ft Michiel Rote (radio edit) 3. Leaving Monica ft Michiel Rote These are the most played songs on Soundcloud and YouTube.

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A blog for musicians

Making music is about inventing new stuff for every new song. As a reminder to self and possibly something that can inspire or help fellow musicians, i decided to start a blog site. You can find it here.

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