

Christmas and New Year 2022

Fallen Blossom, model Sara showing it all for Christmas and New Year

It has been a special year. I and many other musicians have been struggling to find a way to cope with cancelled shows and collaborating with other musicians in practice rooms and the studio. Because I usually work in the studio it was not that devastating, but it played a big role all year.

Now, as the year is closing down in a way it got worse. My country is now in complete lockdown and will remain locked down until at least two weeks into the new year. The only way I found to celebrate this festive season now is a special Christmas and New Year video edition for Fallen Blossom feat. Pi.A.

I hope you will enjoy this video that shows how we want to dress up and look our best for all the Christmas and New Year’s get togethers. We take the stage and show it all. However hard it is here now in lockdown. If you have the chance to show it all, you may take the story of the video at heart.

As a surprise there will be a small extra tail of the festivities here on this site and on socials in the new year. Stay tuned!